Thursday, April 4, 2013

An introduction

So, here we are.  Another in an endless sea of blogs.  One more in a stream of opinions and thought loops that are likely all wrong.  I'll be blunt.  I don't expect to be 100% right about everything I blog about.  That's kind of the point of this whole thing.  We are constantly learning, and if we are to lend any credit to the fully developed minds we've been given, and the source of our knowledge, such new information should lead to changed worldviews.

Let me stop right there.  I am NOT advocating that we should compromise our core values on any whim.  Some things shouldn't change.  But, those things that don't change should have nothing to do with ourselves, our ego, or even our culture.  And with that, we scratch the surface of the subject of this blog.


And in a nutshell, that's the gist of this whole blog.  If you just wanted the cliff notes, you're done.  TL/DR.  I'm tired of seeing this happen, and more importantly, I'm tired of seeing what it does to the reputation of a Christian.  I'm tired of there being this barrier people build up when someone says the name "Jesus".  Because it's kind of an important subject.  (Obvious understatement).  And I know I'm not the only Christian who wants to more closely follow the example of Jesus.  And I intend to call myself and others out when we aren't doing that.  Not to be mean or arrogant, but so we can reach a common goal.

Look, maybe you're a Christian.  This blog WILL offend you.  Maybe you're not a Christian.  This blog WILL also offend you.  For the Christian, I will be challenging the ideals that our cultural groupthink (especially in the South, thus the title of this blog) has ingrained in all of us.  For the non-Christian, I will be quoting scripture and talking ALL ABOUT this guy named Jesus.  I hope both groups of people will read this.  I hope it challenges you.  I hope it stirs you to action.  I hope it makes you disagree with me, and I will do my very best to be gracious and treat everyone in a civil manner.  I hope it makes you take the next step in your walk with Jesus if you're a Christian - and if you aren't, I hope it brings you one step closer to this Jesus guy.

So let me start with a little background.  Though I was not born in the south, I've lived here long enough that that doesn't matter.  Southern culture is part of my life and part of me, permanently.  I met Jesus at the age of 16, went to church religiously (see what I did there?), and began my training as the "good southern church guy".  Everything that was told me by "more mature" Christians, I believed without question.  I'd never done this whole "being a Christian" thing before.  Even if it didn't necessarily line up with what I read in the Bible.  And thus our problem.  I needed to follow what the Bible told me, not a Sunday school teacher, no matter how well-intentioned they were.

I'm not pointing fingers here.  That's really not my goal.  We are all taught things by people who really want the best for us.  We cling to those "truths" without question, because that's just how we're wired.  I'm not interested in explaining the science of it, that's all way over my head.  But it's the simple truth.  You can't blame someone for believing something they were told by a person they trust.  The problem begins when we refuse to see the obvious because it conflicts with something we thought to be true.

Back to the Bible.  Let's be honest.  The Bible is a big, long, confusing, and sometimes boring book.  It does offer us hope, don't get me wrong.  But anyone who tells you it just always radiates rainbows and puppies is straight up telling you a LIE.  Don't miss this:  I'm not trying to subvert the Bible.  It guides me, it teaches me, and sometimes, it speaks to me.  I don't profess to understand it perfectly.  I will misinterpret it at times.  I don't want to give the impression that what I type in this blog is infallible truth.  But there are some things that TRULY BOTHER me, that I just can't stay quiet about.

What made me finally take this step and start this blog was hearing that there are people in my life who, due to some of my political beliefs, made the assumption that I couldn't know Jesus.  I was dumbfounded.  Dare I say, I was PISSED.  How DARE they look at Jesus on the cross and tell him, "come on down Jesus, your sacrifice in this guy's life is meaningless because HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME."

I wanted to tell them off.  I didn't.  I calmed down and decided instead, I would simply start this blog, present scripture in it, and share how it applies in my life.  Like I said, you may not agree with me, and YOU DON'T HAVE TO.  I haven't arrived, and I don't expect anyone else has, either.  However, I refuse to conduct myself in a manner inconsistent with what I read in the Bible, just because of societal norms.

I realized at this point I've crossed the line from blog to tirade.  I'll try to keep my posts simple, though brevity is not my gift.  Thanks for visiting, and hope to see you soon!

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